Viewing Cecilia Vicuña’s Quipu del Exterminio at the Guggenheim, Summer 2022
Excerpts from Red Memory (Flowersong Press 2022):
Visual Poems for Red Memory, Pomeleon Journal
Making the Animal Passage, Alchemy Spoon
Day 22, Ligeia Magazine
Mound Mound, Cauldron Anthology
On Lamenting Silence, Q/A Journal Issue #32
The Blood Skirt, War Against Nature, Day 743, Necro Productions Feminist Issue
sucio, in English and Spanish, *apo press
mating season, rites of passage, and depression in dreams bleeds Burrow Magazine
Excerpts from What Bird Are You? (Finishing Line Press 2023)
In the Valley of Birds, Lumiere Review
In Davis at the Ceramics Conference & Sunset Beach, Hobart
Some People Go to Therapy, TYPO 33
Manhattan Bird Alert, Entropy Magazine
in the planetarium, Ecotheo Review, Fall 2021
in bolinas, Moist Poetry Journal
On the Day Barry Died, Columbia Review, Fall 2021
Americans are returning to their rituals, Boulder Weekly
Creative & Critical Non-Fiction ::
Keeping the Bear Afloat, Diane di Prima’s Small Press Legacy, Full-Stop
Slow Slip Earthquake, Landlocked Magazine
The Wild Bride of BKLN, Vol. 1 Brooklyn
The Lovers, Vol. 1 Brooklyn
A Tour of Casa Azul, We’ll Never Have Paris Vol. 18
Messages of Mary on the Green, Hysteria Collective
Disposable, Denver Quarterly FIVES
Reviews ::
Out of Nowhere Into Nothing, Full-Stop
the deja vu, Full-Stop
Everything Is Totally Fine, Full-Stop
The Moon Over Edgar, Full-Stop
Selena Didn’t Know Spanish Either, Full-Stop
Metabolics, Full-Stop
Poetry ::
animal, Pithead Chapel
Working on the MTA, 9-5 or 10 out of 12, HAD
ghost forest & potter’s field, Scrawl Place Journal
Untitled, Boulder Weekly
Pumpkin Ovulates, Analogies & Allegories Literary Magazine
skinny, Agapanthus Collective
4 Prose Poems, Stone of Madness Press
Sense Memory, Tiny Seeds Lit Journal
Weather Report, Thin Air Magazine
Collage ::
The American Wing, Collage Series. Matter Press
Insights, Button Eye Review
Film ::
Moving Poems
Displaced on Metatron Press
Body Talk on More Thank Lyme
Las Palabras de Aves on Woven Tale Press
Collaboration: Estranger: A Rupture, Poetry by Michelle Naka Pierce
Forthcoming Prose
Transcription and Interlude in Embodied Unconcious: the feminine space of sexuality, surrealism, and experimentation in literature, Spuyten Duyvil, 2022.
Forthcoming Poetry
all she needed was menstruation, Stain Menstrual Anthology
Hi. I’m Amy Glen Bobeda—poet, artist, teacher, dream worker, adventurer, and menstrual advocate with an MFA in Creative Writing & Poetics from Naropa University where I serve as the director of the Naropa Writing Center and sometimes teach art, writing, and pedagogy.
I share stories, hold space for women, and work in the realm of bridging sacred and mundane in personal and group gathering. My research comprises human origins, menstrual symbolism, and the somatic relationship between voice, body, and the origins of language.
I spend most of my time with the birds of Eastern Colorado and occasionally Central Park.
In 2020, 5 women from the Kerouac School and I founded Wisdom Body Collective. We are a process-oriented collective rooted in the sacred feminine. We publish chapbooks and full-length works.
Buy our first book, More Revolutionary Letters: A Tribute to Diane di Prima here.
RED MEMORY (Flowersong Press): This full-length cross-genre text&image collection evolved from my MFA thesis and grapples with menstruation as the origin of language, the metaphor of menstrual waste, and Penelope Shuttle’s research on the menstrual cycle of dreams.
Order on Amazon, FlowerSong Press and read about the birth of Red Memory in Sapling #682.
Grab a copy at: The New Local Non Profit, Boulder, CO
mi sin manitos (Ethel Press): This chapbook explores the fairytale often called The Handless Maiden or The Girl With No Hands from multiple perspectives. How does the devil feel about his prospects stealing the girl from her father? Where the heck is no-hand’s mother? What compels a woman to wander the forest, handless, when her family is willing to feed her? This bilingual mashup—a spanglish—explores the fairytale in a chapbook of prose poems. Read excerpts from this limited-edition chapbook here:
mi sin manitos, Oracle Bone
“Naranja”, "conception", and "Garden Wedding", Pollux Journal
Limited copies available at: The New Local Non Profit, Boulder, CO
What Bird Are You? (Finishing Line Press): This full-length poetry collection features 2 essays and illustrations. Part bird study, part mythological discovery, this poetic memoir traces the connections between origins, clay, mythology, and birds beginning in the ceramic studio. Read about the book’s process here. Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, from the publisher, or order from your favorite local bookstore.
Find in-store at:
Kelly’s Books, Watsonville, CA
Two Bird Books, Pleasure Point, CA
The New Local Non Profit, Boulder, CO
What Bird Are You? (Finishing Line Press): This full-length poetry collection features 2 essays and illustrations. Part bird study, part mythological discovery, this poetic memoir traces the connections between origins, clay, mythology, and birds beginning in the ceramic’s studio. Now available for preorder––this book wings its way into the world 5.19.23.
Blood to Purify the World (Spuyten Duyvil): A followup to Red Memory, this collection of poems and essays explores “lunarchy” society governed by the moon, menstrual origin myths, family lineage, and a grandmother grammar for the moon. A weaving of structural fairytale analysis, capital resistance, and comedic tributes to the moon in efforts to better attune to a cyclical society that might just save humanity.
Lecture on Poetry, Menstruation & Ritual for Radical Anthropology Group.